Comedy clips search on YT

Highest profits on YT ? The Russian-born 5-year-old has become one of the world’s fastest-growing creators, thanks to videos in seven languages that feature her playing with her dad on her channels including Like Nastya. Brands have noticed, with Legoland and Dannon shelling out at six figures to work with her. Five friends in their 30s—Coby Cotton, Cory Cotton, Garret Hilbert, Cody Jones and Tyler Toney—play sports, perform stunts and break Guinness World Records. Their videos, like “Bowling Trick Shots” and “Bubble Wrap Battle,” helped them score a TV contract The Dude Perfect Show, which airs on Nickelodeon.

Late Night is Mindy Kaling’s Sundance darling that landed a wide summer release. The story follows a late night talk show host (Emma Thompson) whose career is on the line when she discovers her ratings have tanked. Of course, that could all be turned around with a new writer (Mindy Kaling) who isn’t afraid to step outside of the box. Netflix movies can be hit and miss, but the streaming platform has really honed in on how to turn out a pretty decent rom-com. In this one, two childhood sweethearts reconnect after years apart, and as you can imagine… the sparks return. But the most important part is that Ali Wong and Randall Park are incredible at carrying a rom-com.

Charlie Bit Me: In May of 2007, a British father uploaded a clip of his two young sons, Harry, age 3, and Charlie, age 1. In the video, a teething Charlie bites his brother’s finger, causing Harry to cry. Maybe it’s the adorable British accent, or maybe it’s the devilish but cherubic smile Charlie gives after chomping down on Harry’s finger, but the clip is undeniably cute and funny. The clip quickly went viral and became one of the Top 25 Viral Kid Videos ever uploaded. With more than 850 million views, it remains one of the most watched videos on all of YouTube that is not a professional music video. The boys’ internet fame brought real-life fame as well. Thanks to their father’s continued uploads on their own channel, the family could afford to buy a larger house thanks to sales of “Charlie Bit My Finger” t-shirts, mugs, calendars, and more. Discover extra funny clips on YT.

Best clip for a song in 2019 ? For the Serfs Up! album, which opened with this track, Fat White Family moved to Sheffield to get off heroin – but, it transpired, this merely meant not injecting it. That paradox suffuses Feet: its groove has very much got its shit together, but there’s still a sickness at its heart. It’s like a sleazy wallflower who slinks out of the dingy corner of some dive bar, and, snake-hipped, starts throwing some unexpectedly impressive disco shapes on the floor.