Craft premium coffee blends online shop with free delivery in UK

The scent of hot tea on a cold day, is there something even remotely better ? There are various of coffee types, some are bad, some are good but some manually selected tea leaves and coffee beans are just incredible. We support community projects and NGO’s that are committed to quality improvement and consequently price improvements for the coffee farmers – organisations such as TechnoServe for example have worked across East Africa to assist with coffee infrastructure and producer knowledge. If the quality is high enough we will buy Fair Trade coffees. This organisation contributes a social premium to a smallholder cooperative which can be used towards projects which are beneficial to the whole community such as primary schools or medical dispensaries.

Our coffee pick today: Brazil – Arabica: As you know, Brazil is one of the top coffee producing countries. In Brazil, 2,594,100 tons of coffee was produced in 2016. Among the reasons for the coffee grown in Brazil being so tasty are the wide production areas and the premium quality of the product. The coffee produced in Brazil is often preferred because it has low acidity. Read extra details at Coffee handblended UK.

Eco friendly coffee hint of the day : Buy From The Right People: Not all coffee roasters treat their craft with the same respect. Some carry very little about their environmental footprint. Some rigidly control their footprint with incredible precision. I encourage you to look into the practices of your local roasters to find which ones are doing a good job of reducing, reusing, and recycling. Support the efforts of those roasters, and put pressure on the others to play their part. For starters, I suggest beginning to use a reusable coffee filter. They eliminate paper waste complete, as well as k-cup waste. It’s easy to use, brews rich and delicious coffee, and will reduce your footprint in a small, yet meaningful way. We are all responsible for our planet and our own footprint. It doesn’t matter whether we drink one or five cups per day, we all play a role.

We as a family have not only been lovers of good tea and coffee for generations, but have also worked in the trade. The founder of this company has himself worked in various capacities selling Italian coffee and Chinese tea, among many other blends and origins over the years, learning in depth about and sampling a huge variety of brews. Source:

We are passionate about tea and coffee, but also about our chosen non-profit organisation, Lemur Love. This organisation focuses on lemur conservation and can be found at Currently Lynch’s Brew donates 5% of all it’s sales to this organisation. After we reach our first 5000 sales it is our pledge to raise this to 6%, 7% once we reach 10000 sales and 10% once we reach 100000 sales.