Product development tips

Searching for Product design services ? Very few products offer something that is wholly new and totally revolutionary — whatever their marketing copy might say. The reality is that most new inventions and products are improvements to an already existing method. For anyone to be interested in your product, it has to be innovative, and it has to be innovative in a way that will connect with consumers. You’ve got to have an angle.

Competition can seem like a challenge to some but in reality, it’s a tool for success. Your competitors may create similar or better products than you are currently working on. This should encourage you to go back to the drawing board and improve. Without the competitive nudge from your counterparts around the world, you would not be forced to think outside the box or work harder at creating a top quality product. Without the constant threat of competition, nothing improves. Study your competition and evaluate everything they are doing from product development to marketing. In almost every situation you will be able to find brands doing things both right and wrong. Analyze these issues and improve on them. This can only stand to make your product even better than you had originally imagined. You want to hit the market with something consumers will buy and you only have one chance to make a first impression. So do the research beforehand and ensure you launch with something that is nothing short of spectacular. Read more details at Launching a product.

Take the time to map out an overall brand strategy before thinking about design, look, feel, voice or any specific elements. As an entrepreneur eager to turn your idea into dollars, it’s tempting to jump right into “the fun part” of branding – designing a logo or signage, picking colors, creating a website, etc. But that’s a mistake if you haven’t done the legwork of defining your brand strategy – i.e. what you stand for (mission, core values), your point(s) of differentiation and market positioning, and your target customers. Answering these questions will help you create a blueprint from which all of the individual brand identity elements will flow much more easily.

Start-Up advice of the day : Start marketing: If people don’t know you exist you can’t expect positive results. Whatever your budget, there are things you can do (like tip #17) to start getting the word about your start up out now—tweet, contact blogs, and tell everyone willing to listen about your new venture. Don’t give up: In many cases, startups don’t fail—the people behind them give up. The single most effective thing you can do to make your startup a success? Refuse to throw in the towel. Source: