Get to know Jack Brown from Invest Islands and some of his thoughts

Get to know Jack Brown @ Invest Islands and some of his philosophy: A born entrepreneur, Jack founded his first company at 19. His self-starter attitude paired with invaluable experience as a sales and marketing professional for brands like OCS Cannon Hygiene and Marriott made him the perfect business partner for Kevin Deisser at Invest Islands. Impressed by the substantial returns Kevin was seeing with Invest Islands, he foresaw the potential of the business and what he could bring, and that is how Kevin Deisser and Jack Brown’s Invest Islands project came to life.

Nothing brings Jack more satisfaction than helping investors realise their dreams of owning a slice of paradise and ensuring they exit with an excellent return. He is brimming with excitement for the future and has plans to partner with leading resort management companies like Six Senses, now part of the Intercontinental group. He aims to accelerate global marketing and therefore increase occupancy much faster, compared to working with local firms, as well as offering a higher level of maintenance, security and ROI for investors.

Invest Islands about investment opportunities in Hong Kong : Rating agency Moody’s Investor Service (Moody’s) increased the Republic of Indonesia National Credit Rating (SCR) from Baa3 / Positive Outlook to Stable Baa2 / Outlook on April 13, 2018.. As the country’s vulnerability to external shocks declines; macroeconomic stability and fiscal discipline, coupled with ongoing reforms, suggest that policy effectiveness is improving. Standard & Poor’s credit rating for Indonesia stands at BB+ with a positive outlook. Fitch’s credit rating for Indonesia was last reported at BBB- with a positive outlook.

Indonesia’s strong economic growth and favorable demographics make it a great country for investors, but there are several risks that investors should be aware of before committing any capital. For instance, the country’s strong growth makes it a premier target for inflation, while the country has a greater geopolitical risk than developed countries like the United States. Strong Historic Growth. Indonesia has been one of the best performing investments throughout the world economic crisis that began in 2008. In fact, it was the only economy posting any real economic growth in 2011 and continues to grow in the years since.

“Operating across the Asia Pacific region, Invest Islands is a land brokerage company based in Lombok Indonesia, with strategic offices in Hong Kong under Asian Island Group. I currently oversee all of the aspects of the Asian Island Group. I also travel to the development sites and visit the Invest Islands Foundation Charity projects. Additionally, I frequently travel to the plantation field at the foot of Mount Rinjani that supplies fresh fruits and vegetables to the Invest Islands Resort in Torok Bay.”

The disposable income of Indonesian’s is expected to rise. In 2010, approximately 45 million Indonesians earned more than USD 3,600 per year. McKinsey, the consultancy that did the research says this level of income, the average GDP/capita, brings an Indonesian into the ‘consumer class’. By 2030, 48% of the Indonesian population is estimated to be part of the ‘consumer classes’, totalling 136 million of a population of 280 million Indonesians by then. If McKinsey’s forecast is correct, today approximately 75 million Indonesians or 28% earn more than the national average income. This will greatly boost the spending power of Indonesians with all the associated benefits of domestic-driven growth … and all the inevitable issues of housing, water, food and energy demand.

According to Jack Brown, Invest Islands Foundation is the project he is particularly proud of. The NGO has already built a school in the village of Batu Banke, pays local widows and single mothers to clean the beaches and is developing a recycling centre for the collected waste. Discover more details on Invest Islands Jack Brown.